Cache Physics
Irfan Ahmad is the CEO and Cofounder of CachePhysics. Previously, Irfan served as the CTO of CloudPhysics which he cofounded in 2011. Under his leadership, CloudPhysics brought to market and scaled the industry's first SaaS Virtualized IT Operations Management product. Irfan was at VMware for 9 years, where he was R&D tech lead for the DRS team and co-inventor for flagship products, including Storage DRS and Storage I/O Control. Before VMware, Irfan worked on the Crusoe software microprocessor at Transmeta. Irfan is an inventor on more than twenty five issued and ten pending patents. Irfan has published at ACM SOCC, USENIX FAST, ATC and IEEE IISWC and has chaired HotStorage, HotCloud and VMware’s R&D Innovation Conference. Irfan serves on steering committees for USENIX HotStorage and HotCloud. Irfan has served on program committees for FAST, MSST, HotCloud and HotStorage among others and as a reviewer for the ACM Transactions on Storage. Irfan earned his pink tie from the University of Waterloo.