Kamran Yousaf

Solution Architect
Redis Labs
Kamran Yousaf

Kamran Yousaf is a Solution Architect at Redis Labs, he specialises in development of distributed, high performance, low latency architectures. During this time, he has worked with a wide range of technologies and architectures from rule based development, grid and low latency application to enterprise file sync and share. Most recently he was VP engineering at a UK start-up SME, a leader in enterprise file sync and share. Previously he has worked at GigaSpaces, BEA and Versata.


Tuesday 20th, 11:45 - Matterhorn 3
Real-time analytic processing often involves substantially large datasets, well beyond what can be cost-effectively accommodated in memory. The next generation of Flash memory technologies offer not just improvement in price/performance over disk, but when used as a RAM extension, they can also offer substantial cost-reduction without an…
Wednesday 21st, 13:40 - Matterhorn 1
Predictive intelligence from machine learning has the potential to change everything in our day to day experiences, from education to entertainment, from travel to healthcare, from business to leisure and everything in between. Modern ML frameworks are batch by nature and cannot pivot on the fly to changing user data or situations. Many simple ML…