A managed service offering (MSO) is usually thought of as a magic black box. You deploy your database or application as part of an MSO in a cloud environment, and then your solution is scaled, load-balanced, patched with security fixes and kept up-and-running day and night. To make such services functional and reliable, the engineers who develop MSOs have to solve many challenges. The challenges are related to deployment in the cloud and in Kubernetes environments, monitoring, fault-tolerance, and recovery. 

Join this technical deep-dive, led by Andrey Alexander. Andrey guides you through the internals of GridGain Nebula, a managed service for Apache Ignite. Learn how to deploy Apache Ignite and how to monitor  best practices for cloud environments:

•    Overview of the solution
•    Overview of the technology stack
•    Resolution of technical problems 
•    Process of monitoring and alerting the solution
•    Deployment in Kubernetes.

Senior Software Engineer in CS
GridGain Systems



(Pacific Time Zone)