C Tito
VP Operations US
AMY Robotics, Limited
C Tito Young has a long time background in Web Content Development, CAD, Software Testing, VR, Visualization. He is an artist, educator, technical consultant, and interaction design. His solution has been used in shrinkwrap, marketing and often attacks the kinds of projects most people avoid. He is a Bay Area team member at Amy Robotics Limited, but currently, doubles as the Chief Operations Officer for a non-profit that has been finding technical solutions for a rural village in the Philippines. It is here he has visions in bringing technology solutions to a table for real-world use and testing. For example, he is seeking IOT solutions for the areas of water quality, weather, tracking of farming, coral reef awareness, security, eco-village development, fisheries aquaponics and the seeking of distillation potentials while politically combining aspects of other nearby villages. He has established with his team invented ways to maximize use of current or emerging technologies. He currently lives in Emeryville, loves art and music.