An Ignite Compute Grid in the Cloud
As HomeAway, a leading vacation rental website, moves aggressively to the Cloud, they've had to migrate a myriad of systems. One such is the high volume, low latency, real-time system that computes pricing. Learn how and why HomeAway employed a large, in-memory compute grid when migrating this system to the Cloud, employing Apache Ignite. Learn also about the nuances of migrating this old, statically-bound, conventionally-managed system to the new, ephemeral world of Cloud services. Including, among other things; deploying Ignite into AWS using Docker and Mesos/Marathon, using Consul and Container Pilot for Ignite Node discovery, and wrapping Ignite in a standard Dropwizard application for ease-of-use. We will also present the drawbacks and trade-offs we faced while getting this large compute grid stable in the Cloud world of guaranteed Node failure. As well as, performance metrics.