The Evolving Role of In-Memory Computing in the Banking Industry

Dramatic increase in usage of financial services through internet and digital channels during last years blurried the boarder between online-banking and satisfaction of clients needs in the world of IoE. Traditional Core Banking platforms face new challenges like volumes of data they need to process in real time, workload of dozens of thousands transactions a second, availability 24x7, etc. that they can't cope with anymore. Distributed In-Memory Computing unlocks web-scaled client-centric architecture for next generation banking platforms that could handle hundreds of thousands TPS and are capable to have built-in machine learning algorithms and AI. This will be an absolutely necessary foundation to provide best in class financial services based on real-time analytics of client behaviors and decision making patterns.

Senior Managing Director & Head of Core banking Transformation Program
Mikhail has 20 years’ experience in core banking software development and currently oversees core banking transformation at Sberbank, Russia’s largest bank. Prior to joining Sberbank, Mikhail was Director of Investment Banking IT at Deutsche Bank, where he played a key role in creating the Moscow Software Engineering Center as well as defining the bank’s sourcing strategy for software development